Tuesday, 12 July 2011

July 12/2011

Today I had spanish lessons in the morning. Come lunch there was a delicious looking spread of rice and meatballs on the table. However, one of the first days I was here I had foolishly mentioned that it would be fun to try cow stomach soup. And of all the things the cooks would understand, that had to be it. So for lunch today, I tried cow stomach soup(just a very little bit). I couldn't get past the fact that it was cow stomach to actually decide whether I liked it or not. This afternoon at the clinic was awesome! The doctor we were with was awesome, spoke very slowly and loud spanish. He taught us how to do a breast exam, administer vaccines(although he wanted us to try it without a demonstration first), and we practiced taking blood pressures. It was very informative. Tomorrow John and myself are giving a presentation to the patients on diarrhea prevention and care. It should be interesting giving this presentation in spanish...

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