Thursday, 7 July 2011

July 7/2011

Today was really fun! Had spanish class in the morning, and then this afternoon took a minibus ride to the pacific coast. There we built sand castles, jumped in the four foot waves, and I had a cold beer in a hammock under a tiki net overlooking the ocean. This is the good life. Went for banana splits this evening also. Just so everyone understands this is orientation week and i will actually begin my volunteering next week. This afternoon was a "cultural" experience as we went to a non-tourist beach, where apparantly girls in bikinis are unheard of . Most nicaraguan women go swimming in gigantic t-shirts and shorts.


  1. Holy guacamole Brianne I hope you are exercising!!!!!

    Kat and family

  2. Tenga cuidado, divertirse y tomar muchas fotos. Todos estamos ansiosos de escuchar acerca de su increíble aventura. El blog es una gran idea. Tengo la sensación de que va a estar en gran demanda como asistente médico.

    Darren tío
