Friday, 5 August 2011

August 5/2011

So today...Seven am classes...again. I have had a pretty nasty cough for the past few days, and it has felt like it was getting deeper and deeper. Jason, who was also getting sick, went in with me to a doctor friend of ours at the hospital. He said I have bronchitis...yay... after this I worked a bit in the maternity ward again. I was able to find the heart rate of a baby belly (first shot), and watched a "no stress test" being performed on a woman who was nine days overdue. Went to the clinic this afternoon where we took a truck to a restaurant we there was a huge fiesta. Today and monday is doctor/nurse appreciation day so there was a fiesta today, and monday the clinic is closed. I wasn't sure if I should go to the fiesta (I was feeling pretty sick) but it ended up being the highlight of my trip so far. They called us family, bought our rum, our ice cream, and all the old fat ladies who really knew how to shake it tried to teach us how to dance. It was so much fun!

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