Monday, 8 August 2011

August 8/2011

Today was AWESOME! This morning was our last morning of  teaching classes at San Jose, kind of sad but it feels like a job well done. I went to the maternity ward this morning after classes, and spent my time reading a book about mammary glands and the pros of breast milk while holding the hand of a young girl who was all alone in labour and comforting her. After lunch I went back to the maternity ward and there was another woman there, with less severe contractions. While everyone was attending to the first girl I was sitting with, I sat with the new woman. The new woman had her baby first (the first girl I was sitting with needed a c section), and I got to watch it. I was handing the doctor tools when I could figure out what she needed, found gauze afterwards, wiped out the baby's eyes and cleaned her off a bit, and cleaned off the bloody tools after. It was amazing, the coolest thing I have ever seen, but definitely not the cleanest procedure I have ever seen... Went home after that adventure, went for a run, and called it an early night as I plan to go in early and watch surgeries tomorrow morning!

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